
by piskec 16. maj 2007 07:53

Monty Python je že dolgo tega s skečem o Spamu postal nesmrten tudi v računalništvu.

Naš Mitja se zadnje čase rola od smeha, ko gleda Life of Brian in vse njihove nemogoče skeče. Zdaj hočeva navdušit še punce, ampak ta bo malo težja. Nekako nimajo razumevanja za ta tip humorja.

Vsak dan dobim na tone spama, google mail se pri tem izkaže za najbolj zanesljivega, vse gre v vsiljeno pošto. Na druge naslove pa dobivam in dobivam in dobivam. Pri pošti sem zelo strikten in striktno mečem vse v koš, od verižnih pisem, ponudb, filmčkov, pa tja do kakšnega pametnega maila. Bolje preveč kot premalo, si pravim in kolnem.

Ampak sem in tja pa kakšen, že na daleč smrdeč po spamu, mail le odprem. Prav firbec me matra, kaj neki so si danes spomnili, da bi pritegnili mojo pozornost. Pa je treba priznat, da so eni dobri. Presneto dobri. Te kar prime, da bi sodeloval.



4a, Av.Leopold Sedar Senghor,
Dakar, Senegal.
Dear Friend,

I really regret any embarrassment this mail might cause you as we have never by any chance met before. I am writing in respect of a mutually beneficial matter to both of us, I am Mr. Kwame Williams a Ghanaian and I work for my government as the legal director in the board of internal revenue.

Through the sale of allocated oil quota to my country by Saudi Arabia Government, I was able to make the sum of USD22.8million (Twenty two million eight hundred thousand united states dollar) which has been deposited in a European finance company vault. These oil allocations are not always sold but there was a directive from the presidency for some to be sold to meet up with the low revenue for the first quarter of this year.

I want you to assist me to claim this money as I cannot claim it directly because I am still a civil servant. I do not have a foreign account and the code of conduct bureau forbids me to acquire such amount of money in my country and it is on this basis that I seek your assistance. I am assuring you that this transaction is 100% risk free because it is neither drug nor stolen money and it shall be handled with absolute confidentiality needed.
Please upon the receipt of this letter, kindly reply me through my alternative email: (blablabla) signifying your decision including your full name,address,occupation and private phone/fax numbers for quicker communication.
Best Regards,
Kwame Williams
Eni so preprosto lopovski, drugi ponujajo v14gro in c1al1s, tretji pa so srce parajoči. Pa najbrž jih je še nekaj vrst.
Ma, kaj, v koš gre vse skupaj...



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